4. Asteroids, comets and moons

Compared to the planets, which all orbit close to the ecliptic, the orbits of main-belt asteroids tend to be much more inclined, most within 20° a few up to 40°. The average inclination for objects larger than 100 km is 11°.

If asteroids began within a degree or two of the ecliptic, low-angle inclinations can be explained by collisions, which certainly occurred. Impact scars are common even on quite small asteroids. Higher-angle inclinations are more difficult to explain and point to an explosive origin. Some of the fragments would sooner or later have crashed into the Sun or other planets, or been captured by other planets to become satellites; some would have settled into synchrony with Jupiter’s orbit. Known as Trojans, these mostly have a D-type spectrum, like the asteroids in the main belt closest to them.

Much of the material presumed to be missing from the belt was swallowed up by Jupiter, which thereby acquired a diffuse rocky core, equal to about 10–30 Earths. (This sounds enormous, but a planet with 25 times Earth’s mass would have had a diameter just 3 times greater, and Jupiter would still have been many times more massive.) In the other direction, much of the material would have ended up in the Sun.

The only direct way of probing the Sun’s composition is through analysing its photosphere. If the Sun condensed from gas that was already impregnated with metals, its composition, apart from helium and the major volatiles carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, should be similar to that of chondrites, which it is. According to creation theory, most of the Sun’s carbon, nitrogen and oxygen was produced by its own nuclear fusion rather than inherited. The presence of heavier elements is due to planetary debris plunging into it. In that case too the proportions should be chondritic, but the photosphere relative to the interior will be enriched.

The explosion of a large planet between Saturn and Uranus would similarly account for Saturn’s core. Distances in the solar system are measured in astronomical units or AU, one unit being the mean distance between the Sun and the Earth. The orbits of Saturn and Uranus are 9.6 AU apart, almost exactly the distance between Saturn and the Sun, so there is plenty of space for another planet. Beyond Jupiter are the centaurs, mostly between Saturn and Uranus and possibly numbering several million.

As a population, the existence of centaurs (half man, half horse in Greek mythology) was not known about until the 1990s. They were thought to be half comet, half asteroid. Hidalgo, the first to be discovered, has a spectrum characteristic of D-type asteroids, an eccentric orbit varying from 1.9 to 9.5 AU and an inclination of 42°. Damocles orbits at a distance of 1.6–22 AU and has an inclination of 62°. The largest confirmed centaur, the 260 km Chariklo, is encircled by two rings. Because of their water content, some some main-belt asteroids are thought to have been centaurs drawn sunward by the gravity of Jupiter.


Comet 67P photographed by RosettaAs with every other class of solar system body, ideas about comets have changed. Once assumed to be unaltered leftovers of the cold outer nebula, they have turned out to be compositionally much the same as asteroids, only richer in volatiles (frozen frozen H2O, CO2, CO, CH4, NH4). We know most about the short-period comets, those with orbits of less than 200 years. Some consist primarily of volatiles; some have solid nuclei, dented by craters; others are low-density rubble piles. They manifest as comets when their elliptical orbits bring them close to the Sun. Each year several asteroids are found to exhibit a coma and/or tail and are then reclassified.

The data sent back by the probes that investigated the short-period comets Tempel 1 and Wild 2 were revelatory. Contrary to the expectation that the silicate particles in them would be amorphous, like the dust in interstellar space, the particles turned out to be crystalline, indicating crystallisation from melts at temperatures up to 1700° C (Grossman 2010). Analysis of one such silicate in Wild 2 indicated a cooling rate of 10–100° per hour, in agreement with the rates of chondrules and asteroidal lava (Leroux et al. 2008). Carbonates, iron, CAIs and chondrules were also detected.

The existence of high-temperature and low-temperature materials in the same body was mystifying. Since the core had to have preceded the volatiles round the core, its rocky composition suggested an origin in the inner solar system. On the other hand, both their orbits and the abundance of volatiles suggested that comets originated in the outer solar system. Did rocky planets also exist there?

‘Long-period’ comets have orbits that take more than 200 years to complete. The orbits are highly elliptical and eccentric – attributed ad hoc to the gravitational pull of passing stars – and extend far beyond the observable solar system. Like short-period comets, they do not differ fundamentally from asteroids in composition. They can orbit the Sun at any inclination and are as likely to have a retrograde orbit (going in the opposite direction to the planets) as a prograde one. Not unreasonably, the solar system is thought to be enclosed by a vast replenishing reservoir of such comets, known as the Oort Cloud, too far away to be directly observable.

The difference in orbital period between the two types is not absolute. Long-period comets can become short-period if the gravity of the giant planets draws them into the inner solar system. Most short-period comets orbit between Mars and Jupiter and are thought to have drifted in from the Kuiper Belt.


TritonWith the exception of Earth’s moon, probably none of the planetary satellites formed in situ. Mercury and Venus have no satellites. Mars has just two, both clearly asteroids. Jupiter has 92 confirmed and Saturn 146, the majority less than 10 km in diameter. Uranus has 28, Neptune 16. Once captured, the different bodies frequently crashed into each other, sometimes resulting in complete fragmentation. Occasionally the fragments turned into rings, or re-assembled to form new moons. Other collisions left the moons cratered and scarred. Spherical shape is not evidence of creation, since above a certain mass self-gravity will naturally pull a body into a sphere.

Astronomers classify the moons into regular satellites, which trace close, circular orbits about the host’s equator, and irregular satellites, which trace more distant, elliptical paths at an angle to the equator. It is possible to model the capture of both types (Astakhov et al. 2003). Regular satellites orbit in the same direction as the planet’s rotation, and are supposed to have formed from the same material and at the same time as their hosts. However, while the moons are predominantly rocky, the hosts are predominantly gaseous. Also, most of the moons are irregulars, with high orbital inclinations and eccentricities. Those with inclinations greater than 60° all have retrograde orbits and inclinations between 140 and 180°.

At 2700 km diameter, Triton is by far the biggest of Neptune’s satellites, has a steeply inclined but circular retrograde orbit, and lies between a group of inner prograde satellites and several outer satellites with both types of orbit. Density calculations suggest that its composition is similar to Pluto’s. It is larger than Pluto and almost certainly originated from the Kuiper Belt.

The present solar system offers no mechanism by which moons could be captured, so the thinking is that captures must have taken place early in its history, when collisions and near misses were more likely (Jewitt et al. 2006).